Compressed Natural Gas

We promote CNG as a sustainable fuel alternative and drive the transition towards a cleaner, greener future.
Compressed natural gas (CNG) is a fuel gas mainly composed of methane (CH4), compressed to less than 1% of the volume it occupies at standard atmospheric pressure. It is stored and distributed in hard containers at a pressure of 20–25 megapascals.
CNG can be used as a gasoline alternative in a number of different vehicles and many commercial vehicles have recently become CNG fueled. Vehicles of any size from sedans to heavy-duty transit vehicles like buses and street sweepers can be fueled by CNG

Advantages of CNG vehicles

  • Reduced harmful vehicular exhaust gas emissions like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other suspended particles, which protects the environment by reducing the effects of global warming.
  • Non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-carcinogenic and hence improves public health.
  • Cost-effective fuel: CNG fuel is cheaper than conventional fuels like petrol and diesel.
  • Higher fuel efficiency: A CNG car returns higher fuel economy than a petrol or diesel car.
  • Low running cost: With the combination of a lower fuel price and high fuel economy, the running cost of a CNG vehicle is comparatively lower than a petrol car.
  • Cleanest burning fuel operating today, which means less vehicle maintenance and longer engine life.